Thursday, September 2

venice architecture biennale

two years ago i had the chance to travel to Italy and visit the Venice Biennale (the best of art, architecture and design).  I was studying in London and mid-deep in thesis and a trip to Italy, although would be educational, just wasn't going to happen it my mind.  I should have taken the trip because now i a half way around the world and would give anything to go!

architecture, thanks to my boyfriend, is becoming one of my new favorite things - the following photos were all taken from the Venice Architecture Biennale {via} - and if you thought that the world's largest architecture show would be only about buildings - you are going to be surprised. 

1 comment:

Ashley Lane Hamlin said...

OOH! Bring MJ to P'cola so he can walk around with me an tell me about our downtown architecture. I always wonder. :)