Thursday, June 17

hostess of the white house

how wonderful and courageous are these women.  standing besides their husbands through everything.  one day i would like to be one (mj did just receive his top secret security clearance).

Lady Bird Johnson, Nancy Reagan, Pat Nixon, B.Bush, Rosalynn Carter
and sweet little Betty Ford 

Rosalynn Carter, HR Clinton, B.Bush, and Laura Bush (love that color on Laura!!!)

Jackie Kennedy

Nancy Reagan and Laura Bush

our girl today - Michelle Obama

Lady Bird Johnson pioneered environmental protection
Pat Nixon encouraged volunteerism
Rosalynn Cater aided those with mental disabilities
Hillary Clilnton sought to reform health care in the US
Laura Bush encouraged childhood literacy
and Michelle Obama supports military families

I would advocate for the arts in schools (especially early education)

If you were first lady what would you promote?


LG + PL + LF said...

Obviously I would promote Jackie Kennedy/Jackie -O. Why? Well because of her style, elegance and party planning skills.... but really it is because of her contribution to the arts and preservation/restoration of historical landmarks including the white house.

Anonymous said...

did you know jimmy carter could write with both hands at the same time?!

Unknown said...

i would promote taxing junk food and improving school nutrition with programs like edible schoolyards a la Mrs. Obama.